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Boreout: How does it damage Employee Wellbeing?

August 4, 2021

Categorised in: Employee Wellbeing

The issue of ‘boreout’ in the workplace isn’t a new phenomenon. Whilst the term itself is relatively unknown, it describes the boredom that many employees feel towards their job. The disconnect this creates is at the point for some people where their work feels meaningless, thus completing tasks becomes a passive and disinteresting experience rather than an engaging one.

It’s often confused with the more Well-Known Problem of Burnout, which is caused by a poor work-life balance and overwork. And, despite the causes being completely different, boreout and burnout have similarly negative effects on a business. They can both significantly damage Employee Wellbeing, reduce productivity, diminish company morale, and limit Job Retention Levels.

On the individual’s side, meanwhile, the impact can be even more severe. Extreme boredom with a job goes beyond Employee Engagement and often destroys a person’s wellbeing outside of the office. Indeed, it sometimes leads to a number of physical and mental health issues including depression, stress, fatigue, anxiety, insomnia as well as chronic headaches.

What causes boreout?

As mentioned above, boreout normally has different routes compared to workaholic-driven causes of burnout. So, whilst there are several other possible origins, employees can become susceptible to boredom in the workplace if they experience any of the following:

  • A demoralising physical work environment
  • Isolation from or minimal communication with colleagues and managers
  • A prolonged lack of challenge from tasks
  • Repetitive, time-consuming work
  • Few opportunities for new tasks or internal progression

How big is the issue?

Perhaps it’s of little surprise, but the problem has seemingly grown over the past year and a half. The coronavirus pandemic led to many experiencing common causes of boreout such as reduced social interactions and a poor work environment. And, even prior to Covid-19, some research highlighted the extent of the issue, with one study by Udemy finding that over 40% of staff were bored at work.

What can your company do?

There are some solutions for businesses wanting to avoid employee boreout. Due to its ties with wellness in the workplace and employee engagement, Measuring Staff Attitudes towards tasks and the company’s work environment can sometimes help identify problems. Moreover, boosting worker interest by Setting up Business Goals and offering good opportunities for promotions and skill growth can also be crucial.

Lastly, looking after employee wellbeing is essential for avoiding numerous problems including both burnout and boreout. One way of doing this is through Employee Benefits, which is something Hive360 fully understands.

Our employee app offers mental health services and a Training Platform to help meet your employees’ specific needs. In addition, we also provide the largest worker discount scheme with our innovative payroll services that can greatly improve job satisfaction. So, to get started with our employee wellbeing and benefits app, check out our Payroll Services Here or book an exploratory meeting today!