Hive360’s Company Benefits

Payroll outsourcing

Hive360 is a business partner you can rely on to handle the one thing that matters most to your people, their pay. 

Using our Outsourced Payroll Services, you can eliminate time-consuming admin whilst keeping your employees’ pay safe and secure, and ensuring its complete accuracy and compliance. An expert team will be dedicated to your payroll, reducing the risk of human error, and ensuring compliance with the latest tax and employment regulations. Most importantly, this allows your staff to focus on your business, improving services, and maximising productivity.

But that’s not all. 

Comprehensive employee benefits for your company

Our approach looks at the whole employee experience – so we include an enhanced package of inclusive benefits and health support as part of our outsourced payroll solution. This comes as standard with Our Services, adding even more value to your new and improved payroll system.

Your branded HIVE360 Engage App becomes a dedicated portal for vital pay and Pension Communication, and it unlocks access to a huge range of attractive benefits. This is particularly beneficial for Small Businesses & SMEs, as comprehensive employee benefits are all included at no extra cost.

Engagement and wellbeing support that boosts retention

Companies and managers are always looking for ways to Improve Employee Engagement. That’s why our employee benefits don’t just cover discounts. We also support your business with a range of Training Solutions and Employee Wellbeing Services. This helps to establish a happier and healthier workforce and a stronger work-life balance in your company, which can boost job satisfaction and allow you to Attract & Retain the Best Talent.

Improve Productivity & Efficiency with Hive360

You’re not in business to be payroll specialists, so why add the burden of this vital processing to your operation? Outsourcing to an expert partner who can offer so much more could be the key to unlocking your growth and profitability.

Payroll, pension administration, employee perks and wellbeing support combined – offering potential average savings of £65 per worker per annum, operational efficiency gains and over 90% engagement rates. To see what we can do for your business, book a no obligation exploratory meeting today.

Make a difference to your business
and employees today