Employee Retention in a Hybrid Workforce

March 7, 2022

Categorised in: Employee Benefits, Employee Engagement

With many people continuing to work remotely, companies are adapting to managing what it is being called a ‘hybrid’ workforce. This term applies to any business that sees some employees working both in the office and at home or any other location. And, in some sectors, it’s now the most popular workforce model thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic.

So, with such a radical change, how can businesses adapt to maintain their Employee Retention Levels?

How remote working can be mismanaged

Flexible Work Policies have become standard practice over the last few years. But, whilst working from home can have benefits for Employee Wellbeing, it can also have negative effects if implemented carelessly.

As discussed in a Recent Article, some companies leave their remote workers feeling isolated due to a lack of interaction, which can severely damage Employee Engagement. Not only can this lead to many problems for workflow, but it can also leave staff wanting to seek new job opportunities.

Developing talent in a hybrid workforce

So how can we maintain engagement amongst remote workers and protect employee retention? One way is to ensure that your staff have equal access to Training Programs regardless of where and when they’re working. This requires companies to evaluate their infrastructure when it comes to how they develop talent as well as how they promote internally. Find more information on How to Offer Training Effectively Here.

Ensuring employee benefits work for everyone

Because the rapid transition to a hybrid workforce was a surprise to some, companies should look at how they can rethink their Employee Benefits. After all, these packages are often the best way of helping employees feel valued, and thus can have a huge impact on engagement and talent retention. So it makes sense that they should remain relevant to your workforce.

In previous years, benefits such as train ticket discounts and in-office perks were flagship features. But now, if some employees are working from home most of the time, these packages need to offer a far more diverse range of services. Read how you make your Employee Benefits More Inclusive Here.

How HIVE360 can help with Employee Retention

We provide an Employee Benefits App as standard with our payroll outsourcing services. This includes health and wellbeing support, secure payslip access, as well as the largest employee discount scheme in the world. It also includes access to one of the UK’s leading Online Training Platforms for self-development. Thus, with HIVE360, you get a diverse range of benefits that can help to improve your employee retention.

You can View Our Solutions Here for more details.