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Unique Employee Perks & Office Benefits

October 23, 2022

Categorised in: News

With the cost of living crisis making things just that little bit harder at the moment, employee perks and company benefits can help employees reduce workplace stress and boost team morale. 

Businesses with a good range of perks and benefits are not only better placed to retain their staff but tend to be better at attracting new, highly talented staff that are committed to a long-term career.

What’s The Difference Between Employee Perks And Company Benefits?

While the terms are quite often used interchangeably, there is a slight difference between the two. Employee perks are usually non-wage compensations that help employees to do their job more effectively and boost engagement.

Company benefits refer to compensations that enhance an employee’s wages and provide opportunities to which employees wouldn’t have access outside their role. Get the full breakdown of the differences between employee perks and benefits in our blog post.

How Do Employee Perks And Company Benefits Help Your Business?

When companies put in place carefully thought-out perks and benefits that nurture an employee’s quality of life and make them feel valued, it gets paid back in dividends:

  • Attract and retain qualified, talented staff
  • Improve staff wellbeing and mental health
  • Reduce presenteeism and absenteeism
  • Boosts work morale and happiness
  • Increases productivity

We Don’t Just Mean Throwing An Office Party Once A Year…

Although the annual office soiree helps people let loose, there’s so much more to employee perks and company benefits that you could be offering. The key is to pick options that help your employees improve their quality of life.

Examples Of Employee Perks And Company Benefits

Employee perks that can help your team make the most out of their workday include:

  • Having a pet-friendly office: Not only does having a dog-friendly office promote collaboration and reduce stress, but pet-owning staff members can say goodbye to expensive doggie daycare from time to time.
  • Hosting monthly wellness sessions: Set a day for your staff to focus on their wellbeing and mental health. You could use the time to book a yoga instructor or hold space for employees to practice mindfulness and talk about their mental health in a safe environment.
  • Buying good chairs: There’s nothing worse than sitting in an uncomfortable chair for eight hours! Not only will this keep your employees comfortable and happy, but it will also reduce the likelihood that they fall absent with back pain — one of the most common medical complaints that adults have.
  • Arranging regular social events: Even if it’s only a couple of times a year, getting your staff together in a social setting is excellent for building rapport and camaraderie. Arrange a team building day or a nice meal somewhere to show your appreciation to your staff.

Choose employee benefits that will help with employee retention, such as:

  • Maintaining payroll compliance with all current HMRC regulations and legislation
  • Calculating and sending staff digital payslips via your own branded employee mobile app
  • Managing Statutory Sick Pay (SSP)
  • Overseeing Parental leave and paid annual leave
  • Managing all pensions auto-enrolment administration, and providing an easy-to-use pensions dashboard for all employees
  • Managing all essential pay-related documentation
  • Providing extensive employee benefits and vital well-being support via a brandable employee app – provided as standard with all contracts

Start Offering Employee Perks & Benefits With HIVE360

HIVE360 can help you to set up your perks and benefits scheme through one handy portal. Using our all-in-one Engage app, you can update employees on payroll, offer discounts on everyday spending and skyrocket your team engagement.

Start offering accessible perks and benefits that your team will love — book a free exploratory meeting to find out more.