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The Benefits of an Employee Assistance Programme

December 13, 2022

Categorised in: Employee Wellbeing

Employee assistance programmes (EAP services) are fantastic resources that suit businesses of all shapes and sizes. EAP services support employees in a range of ways, helping boost employee productivity and well-being.

What Is An Employee Assistance Programme?

When it comes to supporting employee mental health and well-being, EAP services are a fantastic option for you to fulfil your duty of care as an employer. EAP services usually involve counselling, but they can contain other employee benefits that help to support your staff’s well-being.

An employee assistance program can help your staff with:

  • Mental health disorders
  • Wellbeing
  • Work-related stress
  • Job satisfaction

By giving employees access to confidential support and counselling via an employee assistance programme, you will build a happier, healthier team that feels valued and supported by your company. 

An Employee Assistance Programme Supports Employees

EAP Services empower staff to take control of their mental health and clearly demonstrate to team members that the business genuinely cares about them. Showing staff that they are essential is one of the most powerful messages you can deliver — if your staff feel valued, they will, in turn, value your company.

Accessing professional mental health support via an employee assistance programme also gives your staff clear, confidential advice tailored to them. No more turning to the internet and finding vague answers to their worries and health concerns.

EAP Services Help Employers

Having an employee assistance programme is invaluable to staff wellbeing, but it also benefits your business in many other ways.

EAP services can benefit your business by:

  • Improving staff engagement and productivity: When employees look after their physical and mental well-being, they’re more engaged with their work and perform better in their roles.
  • Reducing absenteeism: Healthier employees require fewer sick days.

  • Boosting staff/employer relations and trust: When you show that you care about your team’s wellbeing, they feel valued and comfortable approaching you with issues.
  • Identifying issues or areas to improve: EAP services empower your staff to deal with any issues, helping them to bring any problems to your attention so that you can fix them for the entire team.

An employee benefits consultant

Finding EAP Services For Your Business

A happy team is one of the biggest priorities a business should have; if you have a happy and healthy workforce, you are more likely to have a successful business

We understand how vital EAP services are to your employees; that’s why all HIVE360 solutions give your employees access to a dedicated employee assistance programme and crisis support helpline. 

If you’d like to hear more about HIVE360’s EAP services as part of our employee benefits app, please click here.